Rest and Renewal NW
May 31-June 2, 2019
The Good and Beautiful God
This year for the very first time we will expand Rest and Renewal to the a beautiful spot in Oregon! It is going to be a WONDERFUL weekend!
Our theme for the retreat will be the Good and Beautiful God...He is trustworthy, generous, holy, and self-sacrificing. He loves us and He transforms us as we move closer to Him. We are all in different places spiritually, in how we experience and understand God. RR is a safe, open place to explore faith and ask questions!
This weekend will also be an opportunity to slow down, rest, and enjoy God's beautiful creation. We will explore the Scriptures that lead us to know and understand Him better, that we might "fall in love with the God Jesus knows." Those words are from James Bryan Smith from his book, "The Good and Beautiful God." We will introduce the concepts in this book and encourage everyone to dig in to the book through the rest of the year.
Our NW retreat will be held at Camp Cascade! This unique setting is just 70 minutes from Portland and Eugene...centrally located, in the middle of several amazing wilderness areas. This is a "get away from everything" location with no cell service or wifi. Can we do it? Yes we can and it will be AWESOME!!!
To register click on the cool red button!!! :)
Retreat Cost = $175 Students = $75
If you would like to make a tax-deductible donation/scholarship
to the retreat include the amount in your check and/or
PayPal payment below