We wanted to offer a place for any and all to feel safe and welcome to learn some of what it means to follow Jesus. We certainly do not have all the answers...but we LOVE all the questions! This is a five week Bible study commitment to dig in and learn together. To join us, just fill out the form below and you will receive more information, including a zoom link.
We will meet at 4pm PST. Here are our dates and topics:
May 26 -- Jesus
June 2 -- The Holy Spirit
June 9 -- Prayer
June 16 -- The Bible
June 23 -- Next Steps
We had a great time week one together talking about Jesus and who He is. Our main text was Matthew 16:13-16. Jesus asked his disciples, "Who do people say that the Son of Man is?" Such an interesting question for him to ask don't you think? There were lots of opinions then, just as there are now. The big question came after they told him who people were saying He was...mostly a list filled with the superstition of people coming back as someone else (John the Baptist who had recently been murdered, Elijah a powerful Old Testament prophet...etc.). After this He asked them, "But you, who do you say that I am?" And so we discussed our personal answers to this question...and how we have found Jesus to be a Friend, a constant companion, approachable, a real help in our day to day. Divine, and fully human...He is relatable and yet perfectly amazing. We see Him in Genesis and in all of Creation, as the world was created through Him (Colossians 1). It was a rich discussion! BUT, if you missed worries! Jump in with us next week as we continue talking about Jesus and His call to follow Him. And we jump into our next "topic" of the Holy Spirit...ah that mysterious Spirit!
Also...TIME CHANGE...we will meet from 4-5pm pst. Come one come all! :) Register below for the zoom link!